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Kelly Ann Update

Morgan Fabrizio

Since doing the Everyday Beauty Project, life has been very eventful for Kelly Ann. I have also had the great privilege of becoming a good friend to her. ( Or at least she is to me! I'm not sure how good I am haha) It has been far too long since I have been able to get an Everyday Beauty Project photoshoot in, so I decided to update and re-edit a photo from her session.

To learn more about Kelly Ann's history please read the original post. Since doing the Project last year, Kelly Ann has been listed on the Organ transplant list. The doctors monitor her very closely! I think she told me she has had close to 50 Doctor appointments in the last year or less. She goes in every so often to monitor her counts which are starting to see dramatic increases. All the while she smiles and laughs her way through it! Which I am sure is somewhat of a coping mechanism... but still the strength this woman radiates is just astonishing!

Unfortunately, the odds of finding liver are not in her favor...the way the transplant list works is very complicated and works in regions...Utah, sadly is not in a high rank in its region as far as who gets called first. Of course, there is always hope and faith! And I just know something will work out for her. She has family members who are going through the tough process of being a living donor, something Kelly Ann is not entirely comfortable with but also knows it would be her best option.

Kelly Ann has such an amazing family. I am in awe of how they deal with their trials so gracefully and without much complaint at all. The way they just step up and take care of each other with out a second thought is something to be admired. Although she doesn't complain, I know she doesn't feel well... can you imagine always feeling like you have the flu and your skin itching bad your scratch until you bleed? Day in and day out. I see how tired she is... and still she pushes on... and still she calls me and asks how she can help me...and still she organized church activities... and still she sets up tables and chairs all by herself so others don't have to stop our frivolous days...and still she goes to work early in the mornings and runs her kids around until it is dark... She may not think people see this...but I do, and I know others do too. It is hard sometimes to see because she always looks so fabulous! But her numbers tell us she looks far better than she is.

I wanted to write this post to put into perspective the trials we all have and show that even though things are hard- physically, emotionally, mentally- it can be our choice how we push through. Kelly Ann could say that it is just too hard and NO ONE would judge her for it. In fact, that is what most people would do. But she chooses to push as long and hard as she can to be there for her children lives in every way possible.

When I think of living with a terminal illness or when I have gone through whatever hard things I have, I always feel like it is a dream. Maybe not a good one, but as I walk through the Hospital doors it feels like I almost float through it in these instances. This has to be our instincts kicking in...taking over our emotions. It feels like you are watching it happen from the outside and like "This can't be happening to me!"

I wanted to give this a good twist in the photo. To feel more like walking through a beautiful daydream and seeing beauty all around! This photo is more how I originally saw this shoot was my first shoot and I lacked the skills to complete it. So here it is now...the shoot was inspired by the butterfly. Kelly Ann reminds me of strength, endurance, and new beginnings. I know she will get her new beginning soon! Please keep Kellly Ann and her family in you prayers! I just love her so much :-)

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