When I contacted Ruth about being nominated for The Everyday Beauty Project, she was a little apprehensive because she didn't feel like she had a great story to tell. She has been through a lot in her life, but just like many of us, is not ready to share everything with the world! She also just wasn't sure how she could really inspire anyone!
To me Ruth is the EXACT reason I started this project! She is a stay at home mom who, in her words, "Just wants to feel pretty again!" We as women tend to worry about taking care of others and forget about taking care of ourselves.
The first time I met Ruth, the first thing I noticed was her EYES! WOW! Crystal blue and they just show her kind heart radiating through. She truly is a gorgeous woman...it also became apparent how she does not feel it. I talked with a few people who know her, evey one of them describe her as "So sweet! I love that you are doing this! It will help her confidence so much! She really deserves this!"
Ruth has an absolutey beautiful face! But what is even more appealing is how she is always right there helping with anything that her kids need. She volunteers at the school and scouts. As we were talking she described the birthday party she was going to be doing for her daughter. They do not have a lot of means to do the big birthday parties others will do, but she always finds a way to make their day special!
Another thing that I thought was so cute! My daughter is the same age as her daughter. My daughter told me that Ruth's daughter is always telling her how amazing her mom is! That she is the best cook and baker. And that her mom is just the best! You know when a child is telling another child this about their parent you are doing something right!
After all the trials Ruth has been through she says that she has always been a positive person. She doesn't like to dwell on the negative. We have to actively keep our thoughts positive, it is the only way to be happy and content with what we have. This picture and quote summarized the feel I got from Ruth after our day together today!
I also forgot to take a before picture! So I am just using a profile picture from Ruths Facebook with her permission.
Be sure to get your applications in if you or someone you know would like to be featured! Click on EBP Application button. Also be sure to follow me on Facebook at Fabrizio Makeup Artistry and instagram @fabrizioartistry.